Welcome. I am Associate Professor of Digital Humanities in the English Department at Rowan University.


willan [at] rowan [dot] edu

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5534-0799


I received my Ph.D. in English from Stanford in 2015 and spent two years as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Princeton's Center for Digital Humanities and Department of English. After five years as an academic librarian in the University of Houston Libraries, I joined Rowan University’s English Department in September 2022.


My digital humanities work clusters around the history and theory of data and/in materiality, network analysis, text mining, and theories of equitable infrastructure. I have an abiding interest in text technologies, and with Elaine Treharne have written a coursebook on the long history of mediation, Text Technologies: A History (Stanford University Press, 2019).


My work in eighteenth-century studies has focused on material culture/book history, manuscript studies, historical poetics and on political and cultural etiologies of taste. My book Literary Authority: an Eighteenth-Century Genealogy, will be issued by Stanford University Press in March 2023.